Read on Line I ll Never Do It Again Brad Wilcox Read Online Free

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 · 217 ratings  · 83 reviews
Showtime your review of Growing Upward: Gospel Answers Nigh Maturation and Sex
Apr 19, 2018 rated it actually liked it
This is absolutely what I've been looking for to assist my daughters sympathise puberty and sexual relations--a volume that begins with a discussion near heavenly parents and life commencement at formulation so catastrophe with a hope that growing up ways growing closer to Jesus Christ. This will apparently not be the correct book for everyone, merely it is what I would similar to share with my children. It is written to them, so now that I take read it, I am happy to let them read it so nosotros tin can talk about it toge This is absolutely what I've been looking for to assistance my daughters understand puberty and sexual relations--a volume that begins with a discussion nearly heavenly parents and life beginning at formulation then catastrophe with a hope that growing up means growing closer to Jesus Christ. This will obviously not be the right book for everyone, just information technology is what I would similar to share with my children. It is written to them, and then now that I accept read it, I am happy to let them read it so we tin can talk about it together. Some things are only lightly touched on, but that will still assistance me broach the subject and first the discussion with them. Some maturation books seem to cause alarm in children or give so many details that they are completely overwhelmed, but these explanations are elementary, clear, and taught just right. ...more
Jul 17, 2018 rated it it was amazing
A very appropriate book for pedagogy adolescents near their bodies and about sex. I recommend this for any parent seeking to teach their children, with organized religion in mind also. I'd read it together or cheque dorsum in with the child later on each affiliate is read and then that the child can ask questions if needed. A very advisable book for didactics adolescents about their bodies and about sex. I recommend this for whatsoever parent seeking to teach their children, with faith in mind also. I'd read it together or bank check back in with the child after each chapter is read then that the child can ask questions if needed. ...more
Jul 14, 2021 rated it it was amazing
I volition be reading this with my soonhoped-for middle schooler.
Mar thirteen, 2009 rated information technology information technology was amazing
I don't know many people who could approach this subject with the sensitivity and clarity that Brad Wilcox has. Aimed at the age group 10-15ish, this book discusses puberty and sexual intimacy and their sacred nature.

Brad has written this volume in a format that is meant to exist read by the maturing child, but I would recommend that parents use it as a resource in helping them to talk to their children starting time. (Brad has written an excellent forrad to assistance parents exercise this.) Then the volume can be avail

I don't know many people who could approach this subject field with the sensitivity and clarity that Brad Wilcox has. Aimed at the age group 10-15ish, this volume discusses puberty and sexual intimacy and their sacred nature.

Brad has written this book in a format that is meant to be read by the maturing child, but I would recommend that parents use information technology equally a resources in helping them to talk to their children first. (Brad has written an excellent forward to help parents practise this.) Then the book tin can be available for parent or child whenever there are questions or concerns.

Brad covers everything, and I mean EVERYTHING that kids demand to know, and that volition come in this crazy world we live in. He talks about how emotional, spiritual, mental, and concrete development are all part of growing upwards. The majority of the book is spent discussing the changes boys' and girls' bodies will go through, with simple and understandable illlustrations; and sexual intimacy and its sacred nature. He as well talks near different things that have become culturally acceptable, like masturbation, homosexuality, and infidelity, and helps children understand how to avoid such things.

This book is written from the viewpoint of a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-24-hour interval Saints, with supporting scripture and prophetic quotes, and I plant it to exist an first-class resources for talking to our older children nigh this of import bailiwick.

Jan 01, 2009 rated information technology it was amazing
In today's earth it's never besides early to start talking with kids about sexual practice and sexual choices. If they don't go their answers from parents, they will get them from friends or the net, and nosotros all know those sources can't always be trusted. This is a wonderful book to help parents arroyo a touchy discipline with confidence. It will non get into un-needed detail but will provide answers and guidence. I espcially like the part nearly sexual molestation and abuse because, not only can it help a lo In today'south globe it's never too early to commencement talking with kids about sex and sexual choices. If they don't go their answers from parents, they will get them from friends or the cyberspace, and we all know those sources can't always exist trusted. This is a wonderful book to help parents arroyo a touchy subject with confidence. It volition not go into un-needed detail but will provide answers and guidence. I espcially similar the part almost sexual molestation and abuse because, not merely can information technology help a lot of kids but it was handled very tastefully. This is a wonderful tool! ...more
A adept, basic book. Tastefully written. I felt it was defective in detail in places, simply that is skillful for those who don't want/need as much information. Used together with What'southward the Large Bargain: Why God cares virtually Sex, a teen would be well-equipped to deal with the ideas the world is throwing at them. A good, basic volume. Tastefully written. I felt it was lacking in detail in places, merely that is good for those who don't want/demand as much information. Used together with What'south the Big Deal: Why God cares about Sex, a teen would be well-equipped to deal with the ideas the world is throwing at them. ...more
May 01, 2016 rated it liked information technology
Probably more of a iii.5. Read with my 11 year-one-time. She has been asking a lot of questions and this was a great suppliment and jumping off point for deeper discussions. I did similar the gospel perspective and am glad we talked near it before she had the motion-picture show/discussion at school.
Mar 14, 2014 rated it it was astonishing
Perfect teaching book, if you lot're adult enough to not express joy, which apparently my husband and I are not. Perfect teaching volume, if yous're adult enough to not express joy, which apparently my husband and I are not. ...more
Illiterate Joe
a good horror novel. chilled my basic and kept me upwardly all night.
Oct 24, 2009 rated it it was amazing
Definately a must read for those with kids who are growing up. Wonderfully written.
April xxx, 2021 rated it really liked it
While this book is not comprehensive, and I wouldn't just hand it to a kid to read direct through, information technology does an excellent job of providing a framework for good word.

I also appreciate that there is a section on sexual corruption that emphasizes that the guilt/shamefulness of such events lies only with the abuser and not with the victim.

While this volume is not comprehensive, and I wouldn't just hand it to a kid to read straight through, it does an fantabulous job of providing a framework for good discussion.

I also appreciate that in that location is a section on sexual corruption that emphasizes that the guilt/shamefulness of such events lies only with the abuser and not with the victim.

Aug 17, 2020 rated it it was amazing
I read this in grooming for discussing puberty and sex with my son. I dearest that it is written by a member of my church building. It teaches about these things from a gospel perspective. I too read this so I know what I am encouraging my son to read.
Sep xviii, 2019 rated information technology it was amazing
We used this volume equally part of sexual activity ed for pre-teens and teens. Great for that - information presented factually just with eye.
January 02, 2020 rated information technology really liked it
Great volume. Very simple and a skilful style to teach kids about sexuality in a clear and appropriate way.
Aug xvi, 2020 rated it information technology was amazing
Articulate and concise book to help parents and their pre-teens and teens hash out physical maturation and all that comes with it. I recommend parents read it get-go and/or with your kid equally this covers even difficult topics such equally corruption. Christian/LDS perspective.
Aug 13, 2020 rated information technology it was astonishing
I found this book in some free downloads from when I signed up for Deseret Bookshelf and decided to check it our. This is as well old for my son right now, just this will be a great book to read with him when he'south a teen! I constitute this volume in some free downloads from when I signed upward for Deseret Bookshelf and decided to check it our. This is too old for my son correct at present, simply this will be a great book to read with him when he's a teen! ...more
Mar 18, 2012 rated it actually liked it
When a friend showed this to me a few weeks ago, I skimmed a few capacity and Loved it! It'southward a uncomplicated, direct-forward read that answers questions an LDS kid might have. I even learned a few things! ;) It's helpful to take it already worded cause I don't always explain thing every bit conspicuously as I'd like. And peculiarly cause I'm not a boy, merely I'1000 raising one! He has already asked me questions about his body parts and since I didn't experience confident talking about male child parts, I merely skimmed the surface. When a friend showed this to me a few weeks ago, I skimmed a few capacity and Loved it! It's a simple, directly-forward read that answers questions an LDS kid might have. I even learned a few things! ;) It's helpful to have it already worded cause I don't always explain affair as clearly as I'd similar. And especially cause I'm not a boy, merely I'm raising i! He has already asked me questions almost his body parts and since I didn't feel confident talking about male child parts, I but skimmed the surface. So today I read that section to him and we both checked out the diagram and learned all the correct names. (My one complaint is that it wasn't equally detailed as I hoped, but that's why this is a good beginning book/good for immature ages--and unlike nearly of the reviews, I disagree that it'due south for the x+ age...I say five+ since male adolescence begins around historic period 8 and these days, we need to be addressing this every bit early as possible. Some literature suggests that we should brainstorm talking At present almost the things we want our kids to Know and Understand in 5 years--when my son's body 'wakes up,' I want him to already be fully equipped with the knowledge and lack of embarrassment he will need to mature in a healthy manner).

The section we read was also helpful because it talked virtually some fears well-nigh boys have, but information technology reassured and encouraged with a loving, positive tone. I would never have known about those fears (and I know his father would never engage such a conversation) so I feel grateful that I found this book. I am passionate about talking openly, early on, often, accurately, and lovingly near sex, bodies, maturation, there is no taboo, no shame, no naivete (all the things that have led to our incredibly-large population of Mormon male person porn and/or masturbation addicts. I date them--believe me--their parents didn't talk about this (and they especially didn't talk nigh negative feelings or emotions and how to cope with them in a healthy fashion) and/or they shamed them and that is why these make clean-cut, Temple-attending, dear their mommies, well-educated, and stable grown men got addicted to the worst drugs on earth when they were 5, viii, eleven, 15...(from their mommy's clothing magazines, etc)...yep, TALK to your children!! Educate! Get over your embarrassment and communicate early on, often, and with love! Y'all tin can't mayhap command our surround enough that they won't be exposed so the only truthful protection is to empower them with noesis, skills, openness, and an ability to follow the Spirit.)

For me personally, the masturbation section was too helpful considering Brad Wilcox is very articulate well-nigh how it's not appropriate and how wet dreams provide a natural release and then information technology's not "necessary" as some take said. My mid-singles demographic has shocked me as I take met many Temple-attending lovely men and women who think this isn't such a big bargain. So in that location are a lot of virtuous never-married over-30 girls who don't have problems and don't want a man with issues, but have been led to believe (probably past a man with bug) that all men demand to do this every at present and then, especially if they've waited this long for marriage. I accept rebelled against this notion in my middle, but was unsure where I'd draw the line in authenticity. However, afterward reading this section, I felt validated in my quest for someone who has lived the law of chastity as obediently as I have. Now, who are my Goodreads friends again? Who all is reading this? haha ;)

Feb eighteen, 2017 rated it liked it
This book gives information on maturation and sex in a clear and evidently manner that is like shooting fish in a barrel for youth to sympathize. I like that it is written for LDS (Mormon) standards. I like that he spells things out, so there is no confusion every bit to what is meant or being said.

He does not become in depth on the topics, merely does lay a proficient foundation for parents and youth to begin discussions. This book is meant to exist read together with your child, then that questions tin exist answered or topics further discussed.

Rachel Meyers
Jun 29, 2014 rated it really liked it
This book is fantastic at looking at the positive aspects of growing up and how to share that with your children. I beloved the LDS perspective as well. I am constantly amazed at the wonders of the human being body and how we are designed to thrive in families and how we each take our unique rolls. Growing up is fun and God fabricated our bodies pretty nifty!

Richard and Linda Eyre say you should exist talking to your kids at age 8 in elementary terms almost how babies are fabricated etc. i have felt my kids aren't mature en

This book is fantastic at looking at the positive aspects of growing up and how to share that with your children. I love the LDS perspective every bit well. I am constantly amazed at the wonders of the human body and how we are designed to thrive in families and how nosotros each accept our unique rolls. Growing up is fun and God made our bodies pretty cracking!

Richard and Linda Eyre say you lot should be talking to your kids at age 8 in elementary terms about how babies are made etc. i take felt my kids aren't mature enough so at least non enough to become into detail. I remember ten is a really skilful age for us. Information technology is difficult because we dont want our kids to exist naiive, but we desire to await until they are mature enough to handle the information.

Dec 28, 2009 rated it actually liked information technology
I was looking for a book that would help me talk to my kids near intimacy and maturation when the time was right. I needed a volume that could assistance me overcome my nervousness to talk over such problems. This is a volume you lot can read with your child. The author puts maturation and intimacy in a gospel principle setting. He speaks honestly and clearly well-nigh the subjects in a mature way, but in a way that kids can understand. My oldest daughter and I have read the first part of the book together. It was a I was looking for a book that would aid me talk to my kids nearly intimacy and maturation when the time was right. I needed a book that could help me overcome my nervousness to hash out such bug. This is a book you lot can read with your child. The author puts maturation and intimacy in a gospel principle setting. He speaks honestly and conspicuously about the subjects in a mature way, but in a mode that kids can sympathize. My oldest daughter and I have read the first role of the book together. Information technology was actually a adept experience, not the nervus-wracking, embarrassing thing I thought it might exist. However, we haven't got to the sexual practice role yet. :) ...more
February 25, 2011 rated it really liked information technology
This is a fantastic book to read with your ten-15 twelvemonth erstwhile in relation to maturation and sex. Wilcox has written it in a fashion that is like shooting fish in a barrel to empathize and appropriate (it is LDS based). There are three short chapters on pornography, sexual harassment and sexual activity corruption and molestation at the terminate of the book which are very important subjects to discuss with children this age. He does a overnice job writing virtually these subjects if parents find it difficult to know what to say. I highly recommend reading this bo This is a fantastic book to read with your 10-15 year erstwhile in relation to maturation and sex. Wilcox has written it in a way that is easy to understand and appropriate (it is LDS based). There are three short chapters on pornography, sexual harassment and sex activity abuse and molestation at the stop of the book which are very important subjects to talk over with children this historic period. He does a nice job writing virtually these subjects if parents discover it hard to know what to say. I highly recommend reading this book every bit a parent so sharing information technology with your children who are in the 10-15 year.old historic period range. ...more
Jun 03, 2011 rated it really liked it
Ahhh.... puberty is hanging over my household like a atomic number 82 balloon. I started wondering what on earth to say to my kids when we take (GULP) 'the talk'. This book was recommended by an LDS speaker and author, and so I thought I'd give it a try. It is written on nigh a 6th form reading level, and would be advisable to let your kids read in one case they reach the magical age of growth spurts, hormones, and voice changes. Lots of good, basic info. I feel much more than confident in answering maturation question Ahhh.... puberty is hanging over my household like a lead balloon. I started wondering what on world to say to my kids when we have (GULP) 'the talk'. This book was recommended by an LDS speaker and writer, and then I idea I'd give it a attempt. It is written on most a 6th grade reading level, and would be appropriate to let your kids read once they attain the magical historic period of growth spurts, hormones, and voice changes. Lots of good, basic info. I feel much more confident in answering maturation questions afterward having read this. ...more
Dec 07, 2014 rated it really liked it
This book is a wonderful jumping off point for parents looking to introduce the topics of maturation and sex activity from a gospel perspective. If your kid is entering into puberty this would be appropriate for them to read. I read the book starting time then that I could be articulate nearly its content, and at present my son gets to read it. Some of the data is a piffling bones, so I can run across that parents should be prepared to talk more than in depth about certain topics in the volume, but this is a wonderful resource total o This book is a wonderful jumping off bespeak for parents looking to introduce the topics of maturation and sex from a gospel perspective. If your kid is entering into puberty this would exist appropriate for them to read. I read the book outset then that I could be clear most its content, and now my son gets to read it. Some of the information is a little basic, so I can see that parents should be prepared to talk more in depth about certain topics in the book, but this is a wonderful resource full of unproblematic and clear explanations. ...more than
Oct 23, 2007 rated it it was amazing
This book was written for youth ages 10-xv. I retrieve Brad Wilcox did a wonderful task discussing sensitive subjects openly and honestly. He also teaches maturation and sex with an LDS perspective. I am actually glad to have a book in my library to help respond those questions that can sometimes experience bad-mannered. I feel that I tin can draw a lot from it to assistance in discussions with my children but it is also written in such a way that I would experience comfortable having my kids read through it 1 their own.
November 03, 2008 rated it actually liked it
Some other corking book for older kids (he says it's for ages ten-15) - you need to know your kids and what they're set up for. It'south very straightforward and doesn't mince words/topics, but very advisable and gospel oriented. And with that, I think I've completed my quest in getting all the information I can on teaching our children about this subject!!! :) (I'yard very much an obsessive researcher when there'southward a topic I desire more data on, if yous haven't noticed! :) ) Some other great book for older kids (he says information technology's for ages 10-15) - you need to know your kids and what they're ready for. It's very straightforward and doesn't mince words/topics, but very appropriate and gospel oriented. And with that, I think I've completed my quest in getting all the data I can on teaching our children almost this subject!!! :) (I'm very much an obsessive researcher when at that place's a topic I want more data on, if y'all haven't noticed! :) ) ...more
January 29, 2009 rated it liked information technology
It is getting to be that time to take "the talk" with my oldest boy...
This was a fine book. It is a book geared more towards immature teenagers. It also is for 10-15 year olds to read subsequently their parents have given them "the talk". It has things that apply to unlike stages in life. I tin't say that it will assistance that much in the phase that nosotros are in now, but it is something that we will be able to refer to. At to the lowest degree I feel a picayune more prepared to have "the talk".
Information technology is getting to be that time to have "the talk" with my oldest boy...
This was a fine book. It is a book geared more towards young teenagers. It also is for 10-xv year olds to read after their parents accept given them "the talk". It has things that use to different stages in life. I can't say that it will assist that much in the stage that we are in now, but it is something that we will be able to refer to. At least I experience a little more than prepared to have "the talk".
Mar 25, 2010 rated it actually liked it
This is a volume that parents and youth can read together. It explains maturation and sex in an piece of cake to empathise, good way. I had looked at other books when my daughter started asking questions. Other books either had fashion too much information, or likewise descriptive of chapters, or pictures. This one tells in a way kids understand, without pictures,or too much information. Brad also gives scriptures and quotes in there to necktie in the spiritual nature.
May 02, 2011 rated it it was astonishing
This book is absolutely wonderful. It covers in good detail but in a respectful mode just well-nigh everything that a young tween would desire to know nigh the subject field of maturation and sex. While we've had some discussions with our children, it's nice to besides have a volume to hand them to read on their own that volition answer questions that they'd be besides shy to enquire or that I'd forget to cover. I'g going to purchase this one and and so have each of my kids read information technology effectually historic period 10 to 12. This volume is absolutely wonderful. It covers in expert detail but in a respectful way just almost everything that a young tween would desire to know about the subject of maturation and sex. While we've had some discussions with our children, it's overnice to also have a book to hand them to read on their own that volition answer questions that they'd be too shy to inquire or that I'd forget to cover. I'm going to purchase this one so take each of my kids read it effectually age 10 to 12. ...more
Mar xix, 2012 rated it really liked it
The audience for this volume is kids ages x-15ish, so information technology was a really quick read. I would definitely read it with my kid, as opposed to just turning it over to them. The first chapters covered the more than basic information of sex and puberty, which would be find for the younger prepare. I will probably hold off on going over the subsequently chapters (masturbation, chastity, etc.) until the truthful teenage years. Overall, I really liked the simple explanations that definitely have a gospel-spin on them.

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